New Year’s Resolution 2017: Be Your Own Internet Superhero

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to make beneficial changes to your life and to try new things. This January, why not think outside the box and make it your New Year’s resolution to change your internet habits? The fresh start is a great opportunity to discover new possibilities and expand your horizons across the web!

An easy way to get your creative internet juices flowing is to start a blog. Blogs allow you to share your interests and opinions with the world and can be a great hobby or creative outlet. It doesn’t matter what you write about — create consistent, quality content and people will want to read. You might even amass a following of people interested in the same things.If this cat can type 40 WPM without thumbs, you can write a weekly blog post.

The tactics are the same with any topic about which you choose to blog. You don’t have to be fancy, just be you! Start the new year off strong by allowing yourself time for reflection. Share your thoughts and see where it takes you. Unsure about where to begin? This article from Writer’s Digest will point you in the right direction.

In recent years there has been an increase in the popularity of content creators on YouTube. Some create video blogs that document their daily lives, while others prefer creating original sketches, tutorials, or art pieces. Over time, these types of videos gained popularity and many are now seen by thousands or even millions of people. If you are comfortable in front of the camera, aren’t afraid of an audience, and have some ideas you want to share, give video making a try!

You may be considering more traditional, non-internet-related resolutions like getting in shape or saving money. Luckily, there are apps that can help with those endeavors. If getting fit is your 2017 resolution, an app like Fitocracy can help track your progress and keep you motivated. It will introduce you to a community of people who share the same goals and experiences.

If you want to save money, apps like Mint gather your financial information and habits in one place and create a budget, offering guidance on how and where to cut back or splurge. It is a free and safe way to understand your finances and keep track of your spending with the help of the internet.

Apps like these are just two examples of ways in which you can start using the internet to make tedious tasks easier and more manageable in the new year. Regardless of your resolution, try searching for an app that can help you complete it!

Another internet resolution you may have never considered before is meeting new people. With busy lives and full schedules, it can be hard to meet people in real life. Chat rooms like those found on Paltalk have simplified the task!

Based on your interests, you can meet like-minded people and start a conversation immediately. If you are already active in chat rooms, you might consider joining rooms you have never explored or increasing the number of people with whom you chat. If you are interested but have never used a chat room before, the new year is a perfect time to do so. Many people take the opportunity for a fresh start, making it even easier to find people who share your interests.

The beginning of a new year is a great time to better yourself and dream big, and the internet is here to help! Take advantage of all the possibilities it provides and make a resolution that will be both beneficial and exciting for you in 2017!

This year (like the internet) is full of possibilities.

Have suggestions for other Paltalkers about how to make the most out of their internet experience in the new year? Share your ideas and stories with us on Twitter or Facebook. For more news, entertainment, offers, and all things Paltalk, follow us on social and here on the blog.